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Sunday, April 15, 2012

A girl born on Gor, she was raised on the harsh beliefs that men were superior to women. Though her mother was a Free Woman she knew at the age of 13 that she would never be free. She was a spirited girl, some would even say unruly or wild, she had the heart of a kajira but the spirit of a larl or sleen.

She yearned to serve, but it would take a special Master to capture her and tame her heart. Her life as a bond has not been easy, she has suffered through some cruel and unusual punishments simply because the Master got His pleasure out of her pain. The beatings and torture she suffered through left her spirit scarred and almost left her body disfigured.

She escaped with nothing more than the kirtle she has on and her life. Onyx now wonders aimlessly through Gor hoping she will find the right Master that will help her reclaim her fire to serve and her zest for life.